• Butterfly Effect

    "Esta es una maravilla, nos encanta a los 2, ya que a que hombre no le gusta tener el control, creo que no necesita explicacion." /"This is marvelous, we both love it, because what man doesn't like to be in control? I don't think it needs any explanation."
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  • Truly Sexy Flirt Pheromone Infused Perfume

    "Me fascina mucho como huele no se va el aroma y es uno de mis favoritos"/"I love how it smells, the aroma doesn't go away and it's one of my favorites."
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  • Just Like Me (Lubricant Water Based)

    "Este me encanto y mas porque les cuento...al marido no le gustaba tanto el oral (le daba risa), pues con este y usando un cubre ojos y pues haciendo cambios...ahora lo disfrutamos los 2, ya que el sabor esta rico."/ "I love this one and even more because I tell you...the hubby didn't like oral so much (it made him laugh), so with this and using an eye cover and making changes...now we both enjoy it, since the flavor is delicious."
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  • Like A Virgin

    "Les presento una de mis maravillas, este producto hace que el te sienta como la 1era vez y tu lo sientes super super."/ "I present to you one of my wonders, this product makes you feel like the first time and you feel super super."
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